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2025년 최고의 안티바이러스 소프트웨어

검토된 고품질 보안 솔루션

마지막 업데이트: 3월 2025

광고 공시

TopRated10.com은 주로 추천 보상금으로 자금을 지원받고 유용한 리뷰와 비교를 제공하기 위해 노력하는 독립적인 리뷰 사이트입니다. 이 공시는 당사가 본 사이트에 게시된 웹 사이트로부터 광고 보상을 받는다는 것을 알리기 위한 것입니다. 이러한 보상은 회사(및/또는 그들의 제품)가 노출되는 위치, 중요성 및 순서, 그리고 때로는 회사 등급에도 영향을 미칩니다. 하지만 당사 사이트에 있는 등급은 주관적인 의견과 구체적인 분석 방법론을 사용하여 시장에서 제공하는 제품을 평가하고 매겨집니다. 특히 당사의 리뷰는 추천 보상금 및 파트너와 무관하며, 회사와 제품에 대한 연구 및 테스트만 기반으로 하여 진행합니다. 또한 본 웹 사이트의 회사 목록은 이용약관에 명시된 경우를 제외하고 추천을 의미하지는 않습니다. 정보 및 가격을 포함하여 본 웹 사이트에 제시된 모든 설명 및 보증은 언제든지 변경될 수 있습니다.


2024 Top Rated 10의 선택

  • Windows, Mac, Android, iOS 호환
  • 스파이웨어, 멜웨어, 애드웨어 제거
  • 100% 바이러스 제거 못할 경우 환불 보장
  • VPN 인터넷 보안 및 웹 보호



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  • 고급 클라우드 보호
  • 인증된 안티바이러스 플랫폼



  • 비공개 VPN, 24시간 고객 지원
  • 실시간 안티바이러스 보호
  • Windows, Mac, Android, iOS 호환
  • 바이러스, 맬웨어, 애드웨어 보호에 탁월



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  • Windows, Mac, Android, iOS 호환
  • 성능 최적화 도구



  • 수상 경력이 있는 실시간 보호
  • Windows, Mac, Android, iOS 호환
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매우 우수함

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  • 웹 기능 치료
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  • 30일 환불 보증
  • VPN 함께 제공



  • 100% 안티바이러스 탐지
  • 모든 패키지에 VirusBarrier 및 NetBarrier 함께 제공
  • 실시간 백업
  • 인증된 안티바이러스 플랫폼



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  • 30일 환불 보장
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  • 고급 클라우드 검색



고급 클라우드 검색

Mac을 위한 최고의 가치!

  • 24시간 안티바이러스 보호
  • 타사 앱이 데이터를 수집하지 못하도록 함
  • 가정 및 핫스팟 네트워크 보호를 위한 지능형 방화벽

최고의 가치!

  • 일일 보안 업데이트
  • 안전한 검색 환경
  • 24시간 멜웨어 보호
나에게 가장 적합한 안티바이러스는 어떻게 선택해야 할까요

When investing in antivirus software you deserve peace of mind that you’re protected from phishing schemes, keyloggers and dangerous websites. That’s why we test software thoroughly and also research features like parental controls, firewalls and impact on your resources.

  • 01 사용자 경험 및 사용자 친화성
  • 02 피싱 및 스팸, 보호, 시스템 영향, 방화벽, 자녀 보호 기능 설정 및 암호 관리 등을 포함한 제품의 기능
  • 03 패키지 및 가격 대비 가치가 있는지에 대한 여부
  • 04 고객 지원 및 커뮤니케이션 채널

What is an Antivirus software?

An Antivirus is a software that is designed to prevent, detect and remove malware on computer devices. Additionally, an Antivirus will also check programs for any indications of new, unknown viruses, and alert the user of any suspicious activity.

How an Antivirus works?

Antiviruses are connected to a signature database, that monitors the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every time a new virus is reported, it is indexed and catalogued in the database. An Antivirus software will scan every file, program, and software you have on your computer and compares it to known viruses and malware that it has in its database. Once your Antivirus is up to date, it is equipped to dismantle that Antivirus should it ever have to.

How we review & score our Antivirus software

Our experts have analyzed and reviewed some of the best Antivirus services in the market and compared them to produce a list of the best offerings. We do this by comparing and assessing the following topics:

  • Pricing
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • User experience
  • Independent testing
  • Ease of use
  • Overall value for money

The benefits of using an Antivirus software

  1. Protection from Viruses

The most prominent and obvious benefit of getting an Antivirus software is that it will prevent you from getting viruses ranging in severity from the harmless to the downright system crippling. An Antivirus software ensures that your computer is never hindered nor endangered by viruses that crowd the internet these days.

  • Convenience and time efficiency

Without proper Antivirus protection, you would have to spend a lot of time finding, deleting the virus and restoring any damage that it may have done, even then the virus may still be present even after deletion. Additionally, a computer left open for viruses and hackers will often start to show premature signs of wear and a significant slowdown in the processing power will become apparent. Thereby, reducing the speed and efficiency of your computer. An Antivirus software preemptively takes care of any malicious viruses that pose a threat to the computer. So not only do they automatically get rid of the virus and save you a lot of time, but they also ensure that viruses do not affect the functionality of your computer in any negative way.

  • Protecting your personal information

Hackers most often use viruses in an attempt to gather your personal information. A good Antivirus program will protect you from viruses employed by hackers to steal information such as credit card details, and bank account access. Additionally, most Antiviruses have a firewall feature included which will block any unauthorized incoming connections to your network or computer, preventing hackers from intercepting your personal information in public networks.

Why you should pay for Antivirus software?

Without an Antivirus software on your computer, you are constantly under threat of getting a virus when you are browsing and downloading from the internet. Paying for quality Antivirus software ensures your computer is safe from such threats. Products featured on our sites provide security from new threats in real time, as well as technical support for the customer. All featured programs are easy to install and run with many features such as:

  • Parental controls
  • Firewall protection
  • File encryption
  • Spam filtering

How to Choose the Best Antivirus for PC

Antivirus software is designed to protect your PC from viruses such as malware, ransomware and even junkware. Additionally, antivirus software prevents phishing so you don’t accidentally allow harmful viruses onto your device.

But how do you choose the best antivirus software for your PC? In this short guide, we’ll be explaining the features you need to consider when choosing a high-quality antivirus platform to protect your device from cyber-attacks.

1. An Antivirus Software for your Operating System

The antivirus software must be programmed for the operating system you’re using such as Windows 10, 7, Vista or XP. There are also some antivirus softwarespecifically designed for Linux or Mac. Some of the best antivirus for PC includes:

  • Norton
  • Panda
  • Avast
  • AVG
  • BitDefender

2. Finding Real Threats

The top antivirus for Windows 10 or other operating systems should find real threats without deleting your clean files. You don’t want to lose important information on your PC. Antivirus software is designed to remove threats without deleting documents or system files.

Learn more

최고의 안티바이러스 제품을 어떻게 평가하나요?

To provide you with accurate feedback that’s relevant to the current environment, we network with various independent researchers. They test and research aspects of each antivirus and based on their feedback, these are the features we use to rate each antivirus.

피싱 및 스팸 Icon

피싱 및 스팸

Your antivirus should be your line of defense against phishing sites, spam emails and other cyber- attacks. Our team of researchers test the software by creating common scenarios that many users face each day and see which ones are able to protect your interests the best.

24시간 보호 Icon

24시간 보호

You want peace of mind that your antivirus will warn you if you’re about to access a malicious URL or if there’s any other threat. During our team’s research we make sure whether the software will provide real-time protection and inform you of any online dangers as they appear.

시스템에 미치는 영향 Icon

시스템에 미치는 영향

Thanks to our collaboration with multiple independent researchers, we have real life data about how your antivirus will use your system’s resources. You’ll know what to expect and whether it will slow down your PC.

방화벽 보호 Icon

방화벽 보호

When you’re busy on any network, you must be able to work without risk. During testing we determine if each product provides and effective firewall, so you’re not infected without even knowing about it.

자녀 보호 기능 Icon

자녀 보호 기능

A quality antivirus package provides features for the entire family’s benefit. The VPNs we trust the most offer parental controls to help adults look after the interests of children going online, by easily managing the types of content they can access.

비밀번호 관리 Icon

비밀번호 관리

You use passwords for so many activities these days. Your antivirus should help you manage them for a streamlined workflow, syncing the macros devices without you becoming a victim of cyber threats, such as keyloggers.